Exploring Programming Naming Styles

Kiran Vajrapu
2 min readJul 3, 2023


Certainly! Let’s explore four common naming styles used in programming: CamelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, and kebab-case. Here are examples of each:


  • CamelCase, also known as lower camel case, capitalizes the first letter of each word except the first one. There are no spaces or underscores between the words. It is commonly used in languages like JavaScript and Java.
  • Example: camelCase, myVariableName, calculateTotalPrice()


  • PascalCase, also known as upper camel case, capitalizes the first letter of each word, including the first one. Again, there are no spaces or underscores between the words. PascalCase is frequently used for class and module names in languages like C#, Python, and Ruby.
  • Example: PascalCase, MyClassName, CalculateTotalPrice()


  • snake_case uses lowercase letters and underscores (_) to separate words. It is commonly used in languages like Python and Ruby for variable and function names.
  • Example: snake_case, my_variable_name, calculate_total_price()


  • kebab-case, also known as dash-case or hyphen-case, uses lowercase letters and hyphens (-) to separate words. It is often used in URLs, HTML attributes, and file names.
  • Example: kebab-case, my-variable-name, calculate-total-price()

Few more naming conventions was there :


Choosing the right naming style is crucial in programming. Whether it’s CamelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, or kebab-case, consistency and meaningful names enhance code readability. By following language conventions, we can write clean and maintainable code that is easily understood by ourselves and others. So, remember to pick the appropriate style and prioritize clarity in your code. Happy coding!

